Profile banner for err0r_exo



certified silly guy

Panel Content
Hiii !! I’m Exo and I use he/they pronouns ! :)) I'm super into Stardew at the moment but I am totally open to playing any games on the Switch, as I am *mostly* limited to just that for the time being. Besides Stardew, I'll also 100% be streaming: + Splatoon 3 *(most likely just Splatfests)* + 3D modeling *(probably never any serious projects though)* + Asesprite *(for a game I am currently working on, a new passion project of mine)* **Streams and length of streams will be infrequent. I have chronic pain that makes it uncomfortable for me to speak and often leaves me feeling fatigued, apologies.** *Started streaming March 25th 2023 !!*
Panel Content
I use Speech to Text to Speech to communicate due to throat and voice issues, also just for general privacy reasons ! I am currently using a STT program that I am paying for. But there is a chance that at some point I might need to switch back to a free one which doesn't work quite as well. If this happens, I apologise in advance if the STT freaks out a bit and stops working sometimes. *As a bit of a warning:* There is a possibility that my STT will say things that I did not say because of poor enunciation !! I will try my best to point out and correct it when this happens :)) There is a bit of delay between when I say things and when the STT will repeat it/when the stream will hear it. There really isn’t anything I can do about this !! **I tend to stutter/ repeat words, even more so when I use the STT because I can also hear it. If repeating words is something that bothers you for any kind of reason, please keep this in mind !!** And of course, if you have any questions about my STT, I am very open to answering anything about it :D Any more technical questions, I will try my very best to explain/ answer !!!

Commands !

+ **!pronouns** - My pronouns :) + **!lurk** and **!unlurk** + **!speechtotext** - If you would like to know what STT program I am currently using + **!vrcstt** - A link to the VRChat speech to text website + **!png** - If you would like to know what I use for my PNGtuber and who the artist is + **!channelartist** - A link to the artist's carrd, where you can find their socials + **!youtube** - A link to my YouTube channel + **!twitter** - A link to my Twitter + **!instagram** - A link to my Instagram + **!tiktok** - A link to my TikTok
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There isn’t any content on here yet, but I plan on working on videos as soon as I can !! If you would like to see those videos when they do come out, feel free to drop a sub !! I’d really appreciate it :D
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I usually just tweet out when I stream/ when I am planning on streaming !! I like to be a bit silly and goofy on here sometimes too 😈
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PNGtuber art and PFP made by the absolute silliest silly guy, 8bitsnail !! Go drop them a follow and give them support on their Instagram, TikTok, and Ko-fi, all linked via their carrd in this panel !!!