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A Final Fantasy Twitch Stream with streamers karlgerm and TwirlinCurtis! Every F'n FF is also a weekly Final Fantasy bookclub podcast. New episodes every Friday!

Every F'n FF

Panel Content
A Final Fantasy stream with streamers karlgerm and TwirlinCurtis! This stream is part of the EveryF'nFF podcast, a weekly podcast where we, along with producer Alex, talk in depth about every little section of every single Final Fantasy game!

Twirlin' Curtis

Panel Content
CURTIS WARE is co-host of Every F'n FF. He's been involved in the video game music scene for years, performing nationally as a solo act, and as part of bands such as The Mountain Chiefs and Mage Hand. Favorite FF: Final Fantasy XII

Karl Germ

Panel Content
**KARL GERM** is co-host of Every F'n FF. He plays bass, guitar, and Game Boy in various projects, including a YMO cover band (called GMO.) He's a self-proclaimed "God Gamer." Favorite FF: Final Fantasy IX

Alex Noble

Panel Content
**ALEX NOBLE** is editor and producer for Every F'n FF. He plays keyboard alongside Curtis in Mage Hand, and plays bass in other projects that arise. He never played a single Final Fantasy game until Every F'n FF started. Favorite FF: Final Fantasy VII