Баннер профиля для eves

1,3 тыс. фолловера


Hey, I'm Eves. I stream sometimes. Kindness is a virtue here, please respect those around you. Twitter: @evesistaken

Содержимое панели
I'm Eves, a transgender woman living in the UK. I started streaming in August 2015 (I think) and have been slowly progressing on the platform ever since. Once I return to fulltime, my streaming schedule will be: 7pm EST to 10.30pm EST (minimum) Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Extra streams sometimes~ I have social anxieties and a speech impediment, so please excuse my inadequate and strange commentaries - questions and discussions are always appreciated as a means with which to talk <3 But please don't mock me & please do understand if I say something that's a little incorrect / mixed up! If you wish to contact me personally for business purposes / to discuss anything relating to the channel, my email is evelynsigourney@gmail.com. But please don't call me Evelyn, it sounds too formal; call me Evie or Eves or Pixie <3 RULES: ---- 1. Be kind. (No bigotry or hate whatsoever.) ---- 2. Be courteous. (No spoilers or backseating unless asked for.) ---- 3. Be polite. (If you are asked to stop doing something, please stop.) ---- Additionally, if you're looking for other people to watch, I greatly recommend [CallofCthulu](http://www.twitch.tv/callofcthulu), [XekeDeath](http://twitch.tv/xekedeath), [ElegyofGames](http://twitch.tv/elegyofgames), [PhilosoBee](http://twitch.tv/philosobee), [LostTimeLord](http://twitch.tv/LostTimeLord), and [StarletKnight](https://www.twitch.tv/starletknight).
Содержимое панели
Find me on - **Twitter**: [https://twitter.com/evesypeasy](https://twitter.com/evesypeasy) **Discord**: Look out for this during casts! **Steam Group**: [http://steamcommunity.com/groups/thepixieprocession](http://steamcommunity.com/groups/thepixieprocession) <3
Содержимое панели
Tips are /never/ required, but always appreciated. Tips help me to live my life, as I get zero income from outside sources (I'm unemployed, mentally & physically ill), but a lot of people out there are worse off than me, so please keep that in mind and consider others and yourself first! To tip, click the image above or [here!](https://streamlabs.com/eves1) People who have tipped thus far, thank you SO much! <3 Tips currently go toward funding rent, food, tools/equipment, software & hardware for streaming purposes (and the odd snack here or there.)