Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho evillaughter01

7,7 N người theo dõi


EvilLaughter01 truyền trực tiếp Lost Ark và Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Discord is truly the place, where the hard battles are fought everyday. Gaming, life, countries to conquer and trash cans that needs to be assaulted in the world. Come join Raccoonia's bomb shelter. P.S. Evillaughter can not delete this one.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Subscriber perks Becoming a part of the renowned Raccoonia does have its perks, like being part of the world conquest army. No ads (with few exceptions) Immune to slow mode (raccoons must not be slow) Chat badge (for world conquest) Subscriber emotes (for battle against the world’s armies) Please don't feel bad if you are unable to subscribe and can't afford it. You might not gain access to the subscriber perks, but know that I do appreciate every single viewer on the stream!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Keep in mind donating is not necessary, but I'm still very grateful if you end up deciding to support me more than just watching the stream. Donations are non-refundable and given without expecting a favor in return, so please donate wisely..
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Please follow the 10 golden rules to ensure a good viewing experience for everyone on the stream. 1. Respect everybody on the stream including the broadcaster, the moderators & other viewers. 2. Keep the chat in English & Danish, but preferably English only if possible so everyone understands. 3. No racism, sexism or homophobia. 4. No offensive language. 5. No spamming. 6. No religious & political discussions. 7. No spoilers of any kind. 8. No links. 9. No self-promoting. 10. No advertising.