Bannière de profil pour exilmusikanten



Exilmusikanten streame Musique.


*No streams in the foreseable future due to health reasons* Monitored, supported and secured by Pro Mods **PineBranch** and **BuckyBunker** **Mod invite** If anyone else likes my stuff and can act as a stand-in in times of need - let me know!

Who am I?

Contenu du panneau
Name is Richard. Based in Malmö, Sweden. Retired from work (at local Uni, as network/database guy). Probably too old (64) to cut the mustard amongst all the youngsters here, but I still want to mess around. Playing live locally from time to time, as The RECYCLER. Enjoy your stay! "exilmusikanten" is "Musician in exile" in Swedish. Suddenly, last summer, I found myself totally separated from my normal environment, hence "exile" :-) (I play covers from the fifties up until yesterday, almost)


My songlist. It will expand, this is just a start :-) Find it here: [Songlist]( ..or via chat command !sl Kindly note: I do not do Live Learn or Blindfold stunts, that is for others with more skills :-)


Taylor 616CE (2008) guitar Japanese SM57 copy mic TC Helicon Play Acoustic harmony pedal **Surplus gear (really cheap, just ask via Whisper):** **TC Helicon Voicetone Harmony G-XT** harmony pedal **Digitech JamMan I looper**


Donations are nice, but only if you really can afford them. Also, they are final. [Click here]( (Donations will go to something useful, including new gear or luxurious catfood :-) )