


A silly dragon dog having some fun ✨, Join us for Art 🎨, Games 🎮 and Good vibes 🎉~ I'm stinky, Bad at games, repeat dead memes and will call you cute 100x per stream. Follow at your own risk 🌈 p.s. you're amazing HAHA GOTTEM *Dabs* 🌸

# 🌈 WELCOME 🌈 ## Welcome to the Comfy Gremlin zone ## 🌸ABOUT ME🌸 >🐶 My name is Ponah! ✨ Your friendly neighborhood Dragon-dog from Brisbane, Australia! 🌸 I am a silly little gremlin who loves meeting people and making friends, I am also proudly Neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ 🌈 I love you all, you're AMAZING! Feel free to put up your paws, grab a complimentary blanket and hang with us ★~(◡ω◡✿) ## ✨LINKS AND INFO ✨ > 🌺 [Socials and Other](https://ponah.carrd.co/#) 👑 [Stream Hardware and Software](https://ponah.carrd.co/#specs) 💜 [Stream Commands](https://ponah.carrd.co/#commands) 🌈 [Credits](https://ponah.carrd.co/#credits)
#✨ RULES ✨ >🌈 Be kind and respectful racism/homophobia/bullying in any form will NOT be tolerated on this channel! 🌈 Please no spamming the chat or TTS 🌈 PLEASE NO Backseat Gaming! I will ask for help when needed! 🌈 I be sussy at times but pls keep the chat SFW! 🌈 Be chill and have fun~
#👑 SUPPORT ME 👑 Any Donations or support go towards helping me pay bills, have yummy food to eat and improve future streams! I appreciate anything and everything Immensely >💖 [StreamElements Tip](https://streamelements.com/fabuponah/tip) ☕ [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/fabuponah) 🎁 [Throne](https://throne.com/fabuponah/wishlist) 🦄 [Sponsors](https://ponah.carrd.co/#sponsors) 🌸 Stream Alerts - !alerts ##SPECIAL BIT ALERTS: >5 - Pussy Jumpscare 10 - Platypus 15 - Don't Woof 25 - Fuck you 50 - Bogos Binted 69 - Balls 75 - Fax Machine 120 - Mega Gay Zone 135 - Kirby Kiss 150 - UwU Dog 169 - Nice C*ck 200 - Coconut Mall 210 - Dog Dance 250 - Furret Walk 260 - HE 270 - Root Beer (Ponah alert) 300 - Trouble (Ponah alert) 320 - Cute dance (Ponah alert) 333 - Polka 350 - Whopper (Ponah alert) 500 - Space Jam DVD 750 - Pure Serotonin 1000 - Nya Alien
#💜 Join our discord community! 💜
#✨ CONTACT ✨ >Contact me here for any business inquiries! ##fabuponah@hotmail.com
Our lil purple frien is my adopted son, Goob! He is a chaotic fluffy worm who loves dino nuggies and committing atrocities Please be TOS friendly with Goob and keep spam/nsfw topics to a minimum when using him he's just a lil guy ~