Profile banner for falstro



Independent game developer on hiatus and aviation enthusiast

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I don't really know what I'm doing. Feel free to join me while I explore this curious world. I'm only starting out, there are bound to be glitches, and I have no mic or camera disciplin - so expect a lot of umms, ahhs, weirdly worded sentences, and just straight up - hey look a squirrel! Be cool, kick back, and relax - we'll get along just fine!
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I enjoy playing games, but I'm rarely actually any good at it - so don't expect any stellar performance, and you won't see me selecting hard difficulty given the choice. I am a software developer - started programming in the late 80s - and I'm interested and dabble in game development. I might just spend some extra time looking at neat little details when I see them. I run everything on Linux, Debian unstable with i3 as a window manager, and a rather elaborate pulseaudio setup to separate the audio. I'm happy to talk about it, but please take the hate elsewhere.
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All the cool kids have discords these days. Due to popular demand, and despite not being a cool kid, I set one up. I won't be creating a ton of channels or anything, so you'll have to make do with #general. I've also set up an #announcements channel where I'll try to remember to put @everyone pings whenever I go live on twitch, if you feel the twitch notifications aren't working for you.
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The only reason to donate is if you want to check out my notifications and encourage me to work more on them. Incidentally, the same effect can be achieved by simply hitting the follow button, or even giving me a little host!