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138 Follower


There ain't not titty streaming here. Just a girl who occasionally streams crafty things and sometimes gamey things.

Hmmm, well I am not very interesting so what should I put here... Well, I am a 40 yr old Australian female gamer but I can't stream games which is probably a good thing. Perth internet sucks!! I used to be a teacher until October 2016 but I gave up teaching because it is just behaviour management these days, not teaching. I may stream doing Perler bead creations, as I love them. I am not here to be a big time streamer but I would love people to come in and have a chat and socialise. Thanks for reading. xo
2x 23 Inch BenQ Xl2411Z Monitors Corsair K70 RGB Gaming Keyboard Razer Death Adder Mouse Steel Series Siberia Elite Headset NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-4790 CPU@ 4.00GHz
This stream is rated 18+ English speaking stream only. (sorry I am just not multi-lingual) No Racism Excessive trolling is also not permitted. Blatant disrespect to other users or moderators will result in a time-out or ban. Please keep your opinions about other streamers and their channels positive. Be respectful!!!
Hit this link above to see some of my perler bead creations and kitties.
Donations are never, ever necessary but if you feel the need to contribute towards my bead supply or digital design costs such as Adobe Photoshop then I would appreciate it immensely. You can hit the button above to donate.
!uptime- To see how long I have been streaming for. !owlfeathers- To see how much of the currency you have in this channel !nestheist- Type in !nestheist followed by the amount of owl feathers you want to bet to join in the heist. eg !nestheist 200