Баннер профиля для fartknocklife4us

187 фолловеров


Dad gamer streaming dad games. That’s right, we play nothing but Dad Quest. Tune in most weekdays and every other Saturday for a chill, welcoming stream.


BertGrin, Save, and Camus were done by [GoldfishTeeth](https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/MixedLeafSalad) Rad, Facepalm, and ThisIsFine were done by [TooManyZoops](https://www.twitch.tv/toomanyzoops)
Содержимое панели
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. Name’s Joe. I'm non-binary, using They/Them pronouns. When I’m not on here, I can usually be found being a kick-ass dad, writing, or running in embarrassingly short shorts. Lately, I’ve really been into the FromSoftware games, especially Bloodborne and Sekiro, but I play a wide variety of things. See the What We Playin’ panel for a list of what’ll be on stream.
Содержимое панели
This has descended into chaos.
Содержимое панели
Above all, be chill and treat others with respect. You do that, you’ll probably be good. Specifically: - No bigotry will be tolerated. No racism, misogyny, homophobia, or transphobia. Break this one, you eat a ban. - Ask before you post a link. - No spam - I’m not fussy about the swears, but keep in mind my kid may be watching.
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Содержимое панели
If you hear music here, it's one of the below: - [Streambeats - Synthwave by Harris Heller](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2gjWL0J5SQKceERGJ8Lb5e?si=BdB0mX7hRo2YS6sCprtB2A) - The music of [Ben Prunty](https://benprunty.bandcamp.com/) - [OWN3D Music](https://open.spotify.com/album/2jsAvgjFVT3Y4r5VbfQfUR?si=tQWgJgXNTLmAEPVdImuieg) - [Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio](https://karlcasey.bandcamp.com/) Trailer Music: [Aggressor, by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio](https://karlcasey.bandcamp.com/track/aggressor) NON MUSIC CREDIT: Countdown Background: Image by [starline](https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/purple-galaxy-background_897669.htm#query=nebula&position=3&from_view=keyword&track=sph)
Содержимое панели