Баннер профиля для father_bill

12,8 тыс. фолловера


Father Bill is really a Roman Catholic Priest who has been playing video games since the late 1980s. He streams Elite Dangerous, MechWarrior Online, and various other games here on Twitch and via YouTube, Liturgies from the Church he ministers to in Southwestern Illinois.

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Current Command List

[Command List](https://streamelements.com/father_bill/commands)

PC Build Lists

[Stream PC](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/WmTtz7) [Gaming PC](https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Father_Bill/saved/Hk8spg) [Flight Stick](https://vkbcontrollers.com/?product=gunfighter-mk-ii-space-combat-edition) [Throttle](https://virpil.com/en/blog/177-introducing-the-vpc-mongoost-50cm3-throttle) [BigScreen Beyond](https://www.bigscreenvr.com)
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- Be Respectful - Be Civil - Request permission to post links - Religion can be discussed - Politics should be avoided - Racism, Sexism, Bigotry are not allowed


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Humble Bundle Humble is not just a place for subscription bundles, they sell Steam keys of games in their shop. By purchasing anything through the my Humble partner link, 5% of what you spend will come back and support the stream (this does not cost you anything extra). In addition to this, a portion of your purchase helps charity, and the game developers get a bigger cut compared to Steam. Buy your games where they are cheapest, but if they are equivalent on Humble or on sale there, please consider using the affiliate link.
Содержимое панели
Hi, I am Father Bill, a Roman Catholic Priest, MechWarrior and Gamer. I have been playing video games since the first home Pong set arrived in the late 70's. I discovered BattleTech and MechWarrior in 1989 and have been piloting BattleMechs ever since. I have recently begun play other types of games including, Stellaris, Frost Punk and Warhammer 40K Inquisitor Martyr. I have been a Roman Catholic Priest since 1999 and have served the people of Central Illinois since then. I currently am Pastor of two Parishes and Chaplain at a Catholic High School in South Central IL. Thanks for checking out the channel, I hope you enjoy your time here.

Next Gen Battlestation

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Current Studio Configuration 3/21/2023
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Parish YouTube Channel

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Interested in my Parish Liturgies, check out our YouTube channel.
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