
Enter into the lair, if you dare!

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1. Sound Alerts Component. No need to scroll down to read this for Sound alerts. find it to left of chat. 2. Dixper. If Dixper is running, then click the link in the chat or type !dixper to get the link. 3. Chat messages. Certain words or phrases can set off custom sounds or animations. Full list for this will be available soon. 4. Channel points. Just use them lol you will find out what they do! 5. Bits. I am in the process of setting up non-sound alerts audio triggers for bits. the list for that will be in a different panel.
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If you would like to support a great cause and try to help prevent the loss of human life, then hit that link above ^ It will bring you to the Veterans Supporting Veterans Non-profit whose goal is to talk people off the ledge. Have any questions, ask me directly!


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If you are enjoying the stream and want to support me and be decked out in the best designs ever (lol) then purchase some merch.

Commands (Do not spam please)

Commands available in chat to viewer: 1. !first (only the first 3 to use it each stream) 2. !lurk 3. !unlurk 4. !discord 5. !merch 6. !ggd 7. !chaos 8. !blobd 9. !kronk 10. !kappagen


24 "You shall not pass" 25 "Ferret Draco" 26 "Dance Remmy" 30 "Dragon roar" 50 "Wrong lever!" 66 "Order 66" 101 "Deja vu" 150 "scream" 300 "Unlimited POWAH!" 500+ "Tactical nuke"

Tip (If you wanna)

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Click the image above if you want to support the channel goal.
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If you want to support me in other ways. There is always this link, click the image, that you can use to send me sustenance! Some of it is small snacks and some are meals. Just take a look. Maybe you will want to get some for yourself too. And as a bonus to you, I will gift you a number of dixper crates to match what it is you sent me, minimum of 5 crates to you for the collection of your choice.