Imagine de profil pentru fighterxxxxx

219 urmăritori


Just here to stream for fun.


Conținut panou
All my links, both social and Amazon links to some of the products I use during my streams.

About me

Conținut panou
So you want to know more 'ey? I'm Luke and I'm 27 years old from the UK. I game on PS4 and PC and have a personal preference for FPS and RPG's although I do like to dabble in survival horror games. Fair warning I have a mouth like a sailor, if you are offended by any swear words this is probably not the place to be, if however you have an appreciation for creative swearing then come with popcorn because it will get interesting. I love interacting with chat so if you want to chat shit with someone I will gladly do so. If you want to know more then you are a nosey fucker but ask away I will generally answer anything. Thank you for stopping by, I hope to see you in the stream.

Tip Jar

Conținut panou
No pressure here, you can watch my shit for free, that said if you want to help me upgrade my pc to stream better, then this is the place to do it. ^-^


Conținut panou
Simply don't be a cunt. I will not tolerate hate speech on my stream of any form, this includes but is not limited to: Homophobic/transphobic remarks Racism Bullying based on a persons religious beliefs/way of life. Bullying for preferences to games, clothes, music or for any other reason. Anyone found breaking these rules will result in an instant ban and a report, we are here for a good time.


Conținut panou
Link to my Merch store, designs will be updated as and when new ones are available.