fightingpain 的个人资料横幅

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Hey There, I'm FP! I'm a full time partnered caster, husband and father of 2 wonderful children. I have a condition called "CRPS: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome." This causes my nerves to constantly send pain signals to my brain. I might look upset, but I am very happy you are here!

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Feel free but never obligated. I'm grateful for you just being a part of my community however, if you wish to tip me out of appreciation or "just because", please know I am extremely grateful for your generosity!
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Subscribers are auto assigned to a role, make sure you have Twitch integration turned on. If you are not a sub and are new to the community, please let me know you wish to join, otherwise it will look very empty to you.
1. Understanding of the Twitch Community Guidelines and TOS required if you wish to be a part of chat. "Click Image To Read" 2. This community is not guided by political correctness. We expect people to be mature enough to handle a joke or two. The mature warning is on for a reason. This does NOT however, give you the okay to be a jerk or abusive toward anyone in this community. 3. Because this is a mature content stream, age is not to be discussed. This may seem silly, but its to protect anyone who wishes to be a part of the community. 4. We as a community will not tolerate abusive or blatant immature behavior. Light hearted trolling is fine, long as its obvious your not just being an ass. Any and all violations of Twitch's TOS and CGs are promptly reported to Twitch by the moderators and most of the community as well. 5. No political gibber jabber, talks involving religion or anything that might be sensitive to a large number of people. Again, we are not a "PC" community, but we won't tolerate someone deliberately being a jerk either. If your unsure about it, either don't post it, or rng it with the moderators. FYI, my mods are friendly, helpful and welcoming but they are also "No BS." You say something stupid, its going to be instantly banned and reported. 6. Have fun, feel welcome to lurk or join in on the conversations we have. Some are goofy AF, some don't even fit in a category. We don't care what color your skin is, where you are from, your political views, etc. You are judged based on your character and the way you present yourself.
I don't always use Twitter but, when I do, its important.