Баннер профиля для fildos

1,9 тыс. фолловеров


I started streaming without any expectations and it ended up being one of the things that i cherish and love to do! Being around my friends is one of the best things in life.We will play all sorts of games on stream but i can highlight The Sims 4 where i like to be create builds along with you all.

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Hello! I started streaming without any expectations and it ended up being one of the things that i cherish and love to do! Being around my friends is one of the best things in life. We will play all sorts of games on stream but i can highlight The Sims 4 where i like to be create builds along with you all. Thank you for spending your time with me and choose this little corner to hang out and have fun, means alot! **Pronouns:** He/Him
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Team Íris is the first Portuguese team where we seek to focus on LGBTQIA2+ Portuguese content creators! Proud of our individualities. 🌈
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If you join chat be aware that you should follow the rules. - This channel is intended for mature audiences only. - Be polite and kind to each other - Avoid discussing age - No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia or any hate-based chat - Do not spam - Do not self promote - English (and Portuguese) only - Respect the moderators, they rule the chat! - Keep in mind that breaking these rules will result in a ban. - Have a great time! All suggestions are welcome but have in mind that the final decision is mine to make.
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By choosing to [subscribe](https://www.twitch.tv/products/fildos) you get some wonderful perks in the channel: - Access to amazing and unique emotes made by [Jessadoodle](https://www.twitch.com/Jessadoodle) and [Ninnster](https://www.twitch.com/Ninnster) - A custom sub badge next to your name in chat - Ad-free streams (with some exceptions) - The ability to chat during Subscriber-only mode - Not affected by chat slow mode
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Find me in the following social media: + [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/fildostv) + [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/fildostv)
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**TUESDAY** - 08:30 PM GMT **THURSDAY** - 08:30 PM GMT * Follow me on [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/fildostv) or [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/fildostv) for further "Go Live" notifications
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You are not expected to tip, and I absolutely promote supporting me in non-financial ways such as simply being here to watch my stream, giving me a follow, or even a host. If you do however wish to tip I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart [Tip here](https://streamelements.com/fildos/tip) Please note that tips are non refundable.