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Filsdelama - osu! Top 20 Player (#1 in France)

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# Hello there, and welcome to my stream ! I hope you have a good time here. Don't hesitate to **say hi in the chat**! For serious or professional matters, send me an e-mail: **
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# No schedule for now :( Broadcasts will be longer & more regular during holidays, so make sure to **hit that follow button** to get notified when I start streaming! :D
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**Q: When did you start playing osu?** June 2013. **Q: Do you have any tips to learn AR11?** Make sure you have little to no input lag, as it really impacts the gameplay and just start farming high AR maps. Firstly, play maps that are easy for you and then gradually increase the difficulty until you get the hang of it. **Q: What other games do you play other than osu?** Steam games; mostly Left For Dead 2 and Team Fortress 2. **Q: What tablet/keyboard/area/resolution do you use?** Check out the chat commands. **Q: OMG HOW CAN I BE AS GOOD AS YOU!??** Play more. *If you have any additional questions, ask them in the chat!*
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If you really like my stream and wish to support me financially, **you can click this donate button**. I'll love you for ever. # **Top donators:** - **QTSSSS: 122.02 € ❤❤❤** - Flaven : 100 € ❤❤ - Kasuga : 100 € ❤ - Astral: 81.01 € - Vrexoh : 73.17 € - lmPaaX: 32.22 € - saizen_: 31.47 € - iFxTc: 30 € - Firedigger: 25 € - Bikko: 25 € - Hugsaur: 18 € - Pumpkyn: 15 € - Ttobas: 10.01 € - animejp: 10 € *Every donation greater than 10€ will be shown here !* (I need to start updating this)
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No specific rules, just don't be an ass and try to keep the chat either **English**, or **French**. **!area** Shows you my tablet area. **!keyboard** Shows you my keyboard brand. **!resolution (or !res)** Shows you my osu! resolution. **!skin** Shows you a download link for my skin. **!uptime** Shows you how long the stream has been online for. **If you wish to request a song, post the beatmap's link in the chat.**
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**Click on the logo above** if you want to check out my osu! profile. You can find a lot of useful infos & links about me in my profile userpage. You can also add me as a friend ❤
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I'll frequently post stream highlights and great osu! scores on my YouTube channel so make sure to **subscribe by clicking the button above**!
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**Follow me on Twitter** to stay updated about me and the stream by clicking on the button above!
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If you wish join my discord server, **click the button above**, everybody is welcome !

Support me on Tipeee!

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