팔로워 67명


Sojourner in search of a terrible evolution

Julia, still looking for my Dark Souls boss title I stream Soulslikes, Lovecraftian and psychological horror, and anything that might be called "high concept" in a disparaging voice. In non-stream life I do woodworking, tabletop gaming, and of course twist my flesh and spirit in search of a higher consciousness. In theory, I know how to use a sword. Occasional co-conspirators include my housemate, a disembodied voice, and my kitty Whisper, who has never once whispered if she could instead scream.
Games played: **Bloodborne** **The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind** [(Mod list)](https://pastebin.com/Ce3Lbc04) **Bloodborne: IRL cage cosplay** **Hollow Knight (casual run)** **Subnautica** **KOTOR 2** **Cultist Simulator** **Dark Souls II** **Dark Souls III: poorly translated edition** **Dark Souls III: Cinders mod** **Frostpunk** **Rain World** (ongoing) **The Eternal Cylinder** (ongoing)