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Kick back and relax, let the smooth sounds take you over 😂 but seriously sit down and watch it'll be bad gaming made good

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Games I play: FIFA 22 APEX UFC 4 NBA 2K22 Jackbox Party Any other games you want me to play, send me a whisper.
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My names Dan, I've been a gamer all my life. Am I particularly good at any game? Not really. I just have fun playing, being competitive and talking some trash. What you'll get here by watching me is exactly that... Think of Conor McGregor attitude, but without the belt, or the wins, or the ridiculously great hair.
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Twitter - FCheatcodes
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The latest contest and or giveaway info will be posted here. If there are any the banner will be active, if there are not then it won't be clickable.
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If you want to subscribe and support the channel you can do so by clicking the Subscribe banner right above, or wait for Nightbot to post the link.
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No one ever wants to ask for donations, just know that when you donate it goes right into the stream. Whether it's pack openings, or getting gear to improve the stream. None will be kept for personal gains, just your entertainment. Just click the banner to donate.
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Top Donators: Badgett1025 - $50 GamingGrid - $5 Mr_Evolved - $5 ZeroWiins - $3.82 --------------------------------------------------------- Wall of Fame the_energizer13 - First Sub GamingGrid - First Donation -------------------------------------------------------