
I'm the F to the L-A M-I-N-G-O and can't no one pronounce it when the T follows

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### Name Alex ### Location Massachusetts via Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania ### Style Mashups of two full-length pop songs from 1980 onward (typically). I usually try to pair songs from different subgenres to give both songs a new feel.
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### Mashups I've Produced - [Ocean Eyed Girl](https://youtu.be/1_SB7jPi3Cw) - [Why You Always in a Muse?](https://youtu.be/bJIADIgz8cY) - [Boys in the Shower](https://youtu.be/x-TW2VEdhlw) ### Mashups I Haven't Produced - [Elastic You by Grave Danger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3jkYL8A_K4) - [Horsealicious by oneboredjeu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBNWqDqHIZ0) - [As Long As You Love Me Like A Love Song by earlvin14](https://soundcloud.com/belieberofbieber/as-long-as-you-love-me-vs-love)