Záhlaví kanálu fndantesavage

1,1 tis. sledujících


Streaming primarily horror games on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings, we will occasionally mix in other nights and game types when we can. Stay Savage, Watch Your Hangdown, & Tighten Your Friendship Bracelets!


Obsah panelu
1 - Be an Asset, not an Asshead. Contribute to the chat and community, don't take away from it. 2 - No age talk. I don't want to know how old you are and Twitch doesn't want to be responsible for a young person being corrupted at the hands of streamers. 3 - We get rowdy in here at times, sure, but I (and the people I play games with) are not pro gamers. We are here to have fun. Have fun with us. 4 - Be a good person. Don't be racist, homophobic, sexist... I don't want to boot you for a stupid reason. Think about what you are saying in here. 5 - I treat everyone equal here, no matter your age, sex or race and I expect others to do the same. 6 - I fully support other streamers but keep in mind that this is my audience at the moment. If you want me to mention your stream, I most definitely can when I am finishing up for the night. DM me. 7 - Ask me before posting a link, just in case. Hop in, say hi, chat with me and have fun. You guys are the reason I am here.
Obsah panelu
Donations are not necessary but if you enjoy what you are seeing and want to help support the channel and my efforts here at Fn Savage Gaming, you are welcome to donate. I will never ask or require it though. Any monies received will go to upgrading my equipment, purchasing games or dlc, or to support me in whatever way necessary to continue doing what I do. DONATIONS ARE NOT REFUNDABLE. Make sure to donate a reasonable amount. If you want to donate, I greatly appreciate it. As a stay at home Dad, this is what I pour my free time in to. I heart #FnSavages.

Click here to donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Obsah panelu
Click here to go to my Great Strides page. Here you will have the opportunity to donate directly to our Great Strides walk team. All donations go to the CF Foundation, which funds Cystic Fibrosis Research. My son has CF and this cause is very important to me. #FnSavagesHateCF #GoTeam

Fn Savage Merchandise!

Obsah panelu
Want everyone to know you are an Fn Savage while you walk down the street? Well spreadshirt.com is the place to get the gear. Shirts, Hoodies, and accessories in Men's and Women's sizes. Check often for new designs and other awesome stuff!