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I do gaming videos over on - Top Tens - Game Reviews - Game Analysis! Come on over if you want to! It'll be fun :D

About us

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So what's there to say about Focie? He's been a gamer all his life... Recently stumbled into video creating on youtube, and that's his main foray. However, streaming is a fantastic way to interact with you guys, which we really adore <3 Plus, it helps him record the footage he needs for his youtube videos! About the Fox: Foxburrito is Focie's wife and she helps him a lot with all the graphic work on his videos! She's also the poor bastard he's pushing through the Dark Souls series!


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Dark Souls III: Fox needs to be in the mood for this one And we do art streams and other games on impulse every now and then!

Fancy some analytical videos on games?

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Focie's main foray is his youtube channel where he review games, analyse them or just plain ol' do top ten lists or stuff like that. It's actually good stuff, so we recommend it. He spends a lot of time on each video, and Foxburrito does the art!


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You can follow Focie on twitter to see any upcoming videos and streams! You can find Foxburrito's twitter through his, OOOOR you can just go to

Got a discord too!

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Join it if you want to! We're always happy to see new faces :D People there love joking though, so we'd recommend the serious channel till you get used to them!


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It's important to note that you REALLY don't have to donate. There's zero pressure. Literally zero pressure. I've not donated to anyone myself before, so I don't expect others to do that either... BUT IF YOU DO... then thank you very, very much <3