forgey_uk için profil afişi

20 takipçi


Welcome to the channel, let's sit back and enjoy some games!

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Music powered by the awesome people at Monstercat.
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Take the GLHF pledge, follow these simple rules and register by clicking on the image above to get a free Twitch AnyKey Badge. Games are meant to be fun for everyone. 1. Be a good sport whether I win or lose 2. Know that people online are real people and my words have real impact 3. Set a positive example with my behavior 4. Speak up against discrimination, hate speech, harassment, and abuse 5. Show integrity by honoring the rules, my opponents, and my teammates 6. Stop, listen, and reassess if I’m told that my words or actions are harmful 7. Respect others, even if their sincere opinions are different from my own
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Hey peeps my name is Forge and I'm a huge gamer and have been for almost 30 years, I also paint minatures, mainly space marines and I'm a dad of two boys. I play a mix of older and newer games, for teh lols.
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Here I only have a few rules. 1. Keep politics, religion and adult topics off my channel. There are better places on the internet to discuss that sort of stuff. 2. Don't be rude or prejudiced. I'm down for banter but don't push it. 3. Advice and game discussion is welcome, but don't back seat game. I play for fun!
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In IRL I'm trying to get fit, eat better and live life to the fullest. Also I'm learning to paint minis and hopefully play some 40k I use my Instagram as a means to measure this, so if you want an insight into what I'm doing day to day follow me here.