Profile banner for formal



Currently a halo pro, retired Cod pro

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Also, if you enjoy the stream or want to support me in any way you can, donate! Any donation is greatly appreciated and will go towards making my stream even better

Follow & Subscribe:

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Subscription benefits?

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You get an awesome icon (Which I think looks awesome and hopefully you do too) You are eligible for giveaways I want you to sub because you want to, don't ever feel forced to. Much love

Follow my twitter!

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Frequently Asked Questions?!

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Here are some of the questions that I see the most! What are you doing with your bottle? I'm either sniffing it or taking really small sips of water, what else would I be doing? Why do you always wear a hat? My hair is a bit too long to be seen without one currently, it would just look stupid If I subscribe will you follow me on Twitter? No, I do not follow all subs, I don't want you to basically pay for a twitter follow, I want you to subscribe because you want to!

Stream Equipment:

My set up is pretty basic. - AVERMedia Capture Card - Asus Monitor - Razer Headset - Scuf Controller