Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho frobotic

2,8 N người theo dõi


Đang truyền trực tiếp Grand Theft Auto V với 9 người xem

Oh yup! You know wass goin on.. whole lotta it.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
#- 290 years
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#- To Be Announced..
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
###[RageNinja132] --- $152 ###[i_so_pure] --- $150 ###[FIameTV] --- $150 ###[Zawlow] --- $100 ###[Wishlist Destroyer] --- $75 ###[SilverHacker] --- $70 ###[AnimatedRichie] --- $50 ###[ChrisHansley] --- $50 ###[turbothough] --- $30 ###[LilHonk] --- $20 ###[ViperPlayzzz] --- $15 ###[Cystio] --- $15 ###[AstronomyGuyy] --- $15 ###[Majorhaggar] --- $15 ###[Andybnm] --- $15 ###[Raakso_] --- $10 ###[KINGOFQUE3NS] --- $10 ###[ashdotcom] --- $10 ###[SerenityMGS] --- $10 ###[xQueenStace] --- $10 ###[Cronking] --- $10 ###[So many more amazing people!! <3] --- $5 #[{Contribute and Become Elite!!}]( "Feeling Generous? Click Me.") *All Donations Used to Improve the Quality of The Stream.* This is protection to the streamer "Frobotic" for the donation given. By clicking on the donate button and completing the transaction you agree that you are the rightful owner of the funds. Being the rightful owner of the funds donated in this transaction, you understand & agree, the funds cannot be withdrawn/charged back. #|<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>|
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