Банер на профила за fubzyy

1,4 хил. последователи


Project Manager by day, Tournament Organizer by night. Good vibes and good times for all.

Съдържание на панел
1.) Can I play games with you? I typically play with my friends or people I have been networking with. Be an active member of the community and some days I'll just ask for viewers to join. Subs get priority on these occasions. 2.) So if I sub I can play with you? Re-read what I typed above, please. Priority does not promise anything. 3.) What games do you typically play? I am a long time FPS and MMORPG player. Apex Legends has been the main focus of the channel for a while, but we dabble in other games from time to time depending. 4.) Where are you from? I live in South Florida, USA 5.) How old are you? I am 29 years ancient. 6.) What do you do for a living? I am a full time graduate student getting my MBA with concentration in Sports Revenue Generation. 7.) Is that a GURL in the background? Yes my girlfriend is typically here in the background. Please behave yourselves or a mod will see you out.
Съдържание на панел
We have a community Discord server for looking for group, sharing memes, and all sorts of other shenanigans. Feel free to click the link above and come join us! Just remember to accept the rules to get full access to the server.
Съдържание на панел
Marcfox 4321 - $1360 Klasmatic - $140 MrDrPompey - $40 J0ecool23 - $15 Juker - $15 Viyolence - $10 Gamercop556 - $10 Poliopatien - $10 Vxpor - $10 Zanzurful - $10
Съдържание на панел
The best way to support the steam costs nothing at all. Just hang out, enjoy the show, meet new friends, and be active in the chat! If feel the need to go above all of the built in methods to support, the link above will allow you to donate directly to me. Thank you for supporting me and the community!