Profile banner for fuloocraft



I stream Minecraft! Follow for notifications. I'm also on Twitter & Instagram @fuloocraft

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#Lets call them guidelines: 1. Please be respectful to me, my chat & remember to have fun! 2. Please use English, I like to know what you are saying. 3. Please keep personal problems to emails. Do not bring them to the chat. I try to promote a positive stream. 4. Networking is not only permitted, but strongly encouraged. Everyone here deserves a follow. That being said, no spamming!
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Follow me on Twitter for extra stream times, updates & information. Or, just come say hi! I love talking to anyone, especially about Minecraft. ##Are you a streamer? Would like your tweets retweeted? Use the hash tag **#livenowretweet** and my promotional account *Fuloo's Retweets* will retweet your tweet. wow! I used the word retweet a lot just then... retweet!
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#Join the FulooCraft Community [Chat!]( Do you love Minecraft as much as I do? Join the Community, join the chat. Share your builds with us or just talk about what your doing on the weekend. We are friendly and always welcome new members to the community.
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Check out my Youtube! Weekly Minecraft videos :) don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!!