Profile banner for funsaisuru



Funsaisuru streams World of Warcraft and Diablo IV.


I7 - 10700k Skylake Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 32 Gig DDR 4 3000 G.Skill Asus VG 278 - 144 Hz Logitech G933 Artemis Spectrum 500 gig Toshiba RD 500 1T Intenso SSD Sata3 __________________________ Now my Specs: Name: Kai (Weird huh?) Age: 1983 (Do the Math! Yes im Old) Where are you from? : Germany Do you Sprechen English?! : Yes i do. Quite well actually. Or so i´m told. Anything else? Use the Chat ^_^ Don´t want to Chat? TeamSpeak! And a Discord!

Books of Demons

Positive: +heal – drops health or mana globes near player +hit – deal damage to random monster near player +drop – spawn a random drop near player (gold, card charge, etc.) Negative: -spawn – spawn a random monster near player -card – apply a negative effect to player’s card (knock, web, etc.) -steal – destroy one of the visible drops at random Special Interactions The special interactions are more powerful and they behave a bit differently. They start on cooldown and once available they can be triggered only once, or they are active for a specified amount of time. After this, they are replaced with another random special action. Positive: +prize – drop a random prize for the player +throw – when active, viewers can type +throw to throw random monsters away from player +godmode – give the player a short divine shield +stun – when active, viewers can type +stun to stun monsters +deathrage – trigger player’s deathrage effect +freeze – when active, viewers can type +freeze to freeze random monsters Negative: -stun – stun the player -poison – poison player -boss – spawn a random boss near player -freeze – freeze player -burn – spawn fire under player -icetrap – surround player with icicles -mouse – when active, viewers can type -mouse to knock players mouse cursor -throw – when active, viewers can type -throw to throw random monsters towards player

Games and Stream Plan Click the Picture (Early Access)

Panel Content
Diablo 3/4 (Seasons HC/EU) World of Warcraft (on and off) Various Indi Games (Fun) Clicker Games (once im realy bored) Horror Games (love em - got lots to play) Tons of RPG - SciFI and Fantasy (maybe boring to watch) Retro Sunday - Currently Suikoden III


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