gabrizel 프로필 배너

팔로워 220명


Hi I'm Gabrizel or Gabby for short. I am an integrative Mental Health Coach I live with a permanent debuff that the gods have bestowed on me. But I'm here for it. 🤣 I love anime, crocheting, drawing, and tarot. Stop by and say hi 👋 420 friendly

패널 콘텐츠
Welcome to The Slime Factory! My name is Gabby or Gabrizel for short. I'm 31 years old. I am Demi/demiromantic sexual. I am a fibromyalgia warrior. I am learning to live with this condition and I hope I can educate myself and learn to cope with this condition. If you want to know more, just ask. I am a certified Integrative Mental Health coach. my channel will be about mental health and the importance of taking care of yourself. While also playing some games. :) In my free time, I love to crochet different things. I love crocheting because it helps me relax. I love drawing, and will draw my own emotes from time to time. I also LOVE ANIME. So let's be fan girls, guys, and 🏳️‍🌈 together 💗. I aim to be less stressed and I hope I can help my community be less stressful, so let's live and let go together. So let's live the Slime Life, don't feel like a Blob!


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-Emotes -Sub badge -Sub Games -Ad free viewing - A chance to win a Handmade crochet dice bag or a slime plushie made by me! (This will change in the future) double the chance than a follower! (I only ship in USA right now as shipping is expensive. I hope you understand! Free sticker from merch store then! ❤ if not in USA.) - I will do an occasional giveaway for a mental health coaching session for free in the future Tier II and Tier III get a handmade crochet Item from me!!!
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First 5 people get a free pack!

Contact Me!

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P.O. Box 60 Enoree, SC 29335
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I have my own merch now! Go check it out!


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Streamlabs **[Link](**


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My emotes Done by kang_dw on fiverr. My panels and overlay Done by Soullisoul on Fiverr as well!


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Donations are always appreciated but never required. Donations are used to improve the stream! No refunds on Donations


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