72 seuraajaa


Low tier gamer

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I'm just a feller tryin to pursue a pretty cool hobby # #1 shitposter 2017/2018 Bad at basically every game ever so don't expect much but hey at least I'm honest. Speak up and Say hi. I'd love to meet you (smile) I'm on Pacific Time, so adjust your mind to my timezone please. I set up a lil' discord server :) https://discord.gg/w6GcTsN
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I want to have a variety in my arsenal and this could change at any time, but here's what I'm currently playing: - Smash Bros. (Probs will play this instead of other planned games) - Monster Hunter World - Hollow Knight - Overwatch (occasionally) - Blops4/Fortnite (LUL) Gimme other suggestions too Check out games I've played and games to come: https://bit.ly/2B5RY29
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General Twitch Rules Apply. - Don't be overly offensive. - I can tolerate some light offensive comedy with a haHAA but don't be too edgy. - Don't harass other people in the chat. - Be respectful of other chatters, streamers, and people in general. - Don't be "that guy" and be cool :)
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This music thing might not work all the time or I might be listening to something other than Spottily. If it's not working, just ask if you're interested. Also, I'm always looking for recommendations!