Profile banner for garblgaming



Just a friendly Swedish dude with love for achievementhunting, hoping to show ya a good time.

Panel Content
Hi, I'm a gamer; born and raised in Sweden since '87. I've been gaming ever since I got my Sega Megadrive and a copy of Sonic The Hedgehog. I've loved games for all my life but what really gets me going tends to be achievements so don't be surprised if I go after some dumb goal or challenge even if I don't really need it. I love to get to know people, specially in the world of gaming and as such I will fix up my discord and provide a link for it once I think it is suitable for more than the few dozens I've gotten to know in the games I've frequented so far.
Panel Content
1: Content is meant primarily for gamers who are at least 18+ due to adult language and themes. 2: Keep chat primarily in English but both Swedish and Spanish are accepted.. 3: No harassing of any kind in chat, we are all geeks here and I hope that we can all get along. 4: Religion, Politics, Sexual opinions and other similar grown up matters has no place on this channel. 5: I tend to call everyone "dude" so don't be surprised if ya hear me say that to someone, regardless of personal preferences.