gatorstumps 的個人檔案橫幅

475 位追隨者


Meet Gator, a lifelong gamer of average skill, terrible aim, and poor timing. Why, he has it all: a chill vibe, a Master of Arts, a struggle bus, and a hunger for solid videogame storytelling. Come with us on his adventures as he ultimately succeeds at SOMETHING, as all heroes do!

Stream Schedule

*All time times (CDT/GMT-5)* - Gator currently streams Saturdays, starting either at 6pm or 10pm, depending on the week. **Updated 5/20/2023**

The "About" Stuff

**THE GATOR CREW** + **Dora** is my dog. She's a 13 year-old, 65lbs. Black Lab / Rottweiler mix. + **@Collywoggles** is my fiancé and a semi-regular guest host. + **"PonyGirl"** is my daughter. I have two. The other is not much of a gamer. **ABOUT THE STREAM** + I am methodical by design. I rarely rush through a game. + I mostly play games that have been out awhile, but I am by no means a retro gamer. New to me; nostalgia for you! + **First Stream**: August 31, 2019 + **Affiliate**: February 4, 2020 + **100 Followers:** *April 5, 2020* + **150 Followers:** *August 8, 2020* + **200 Followers:** *October 25, 2020* + **300 Followers:** *April 6, 2021* + **400 Followers:** *July 23, 2022* + **450 Followers:** *May 20, 2023* **Longest GatorStumps Stream EVER** + *22 hours, 8 minutes, 38 seconds*

Handy Chat Commands

**FOR EVERYONE'S USE. TRY THEM OUT!!** . ***CUSTOM GATORSTUMPS COMMANDS*** + **!deaths** - Current GatorStumps deaths *(if in use)* + **!gifts** – How to inquire about gift giving. + **!leaderboard** to see how to get points. + **!lurk** - Let me know your here quietly giving support by adding that extra viewer. + **!points** check your point total. + **!rank** – Show current rank in points. + **!rules** – Short list of chat rules. + **!social** – Discord / YouTube links. + **!quote** - Display random GatorStumps stream quote. + **!quote {#}** - Display specific quote. . ***OTHER HANDY COMMANDS*** + **/** - List of all Twitch-based chat commands. + **!commands** – Link to all StreamElements chat commands. + **!followage** – Show time user has been a follower. + **!uptime** - Show elapsed time of the stream.
**CLICK THE BANNER** to visit GatorStumps' Discord page. Stay up to date on stream new and highlights, behind the scenes stuff, and the community chatter! *Otherwise, copy/paste the link into your browser:*

Bit Alerts

List of animations for different levels of bit donations. ***(A)*** *= Audio Only* + **1** - Yoshi + **10** - Thor: Heroes + **15** - Gator & Colly: Lego Money + **20** - Ezma: Wrong Lever + **25** - Kung Fu Panda: Level 0 + **30** - Other Guys: Gator a Pimp + **40** - Willow: You ARE Great! + **42** - Gator & Colly: Existentialism + **50** - Noodle Arms + **51 (A) -** Outer Wilds: Angler Fish + **55 (A) -** Minecraft: Enderman Scream + **60** - BeetleStumps: Nice Tree + **70** - Airbender: Secret Tunnel + **75** - Shrek: One of a Kind + **80** - SpongBob: Life's Extreme + **90** - Kronk: “He’s dead alright” + **100** - Shrek: Nice Boulder + **150** - Joker: Pencil + **200** - Thor: Heroes [Extended] + **300** - Claptrap: Shoot the Gate

RULES: Yep - Serious Stuff

Type **!rules** or **!gifts** for quick reference. **GENERAL RULES** + When in doubt, follow my lead. Or ask! + No Spoilers please. + Let Gator struggle; it’s part of his charm 😉. He likes figuring it out on his own… + In general, only Mods can backseat game. + Just be a cool human. Don’t be THAT guy. No one likes THAT guy. + Sarcasm is cool. + Swearing is fine, just don't go crazy. + Don't self-promote. Acknowledgement is something you earn. Okay? Thanks! Love you. Buh Bye! Now, Let's go play!

Gator's All-Time Favorites

*(In No Particular Order)* + Fallout 3 + Borderlands 2 + The Last of Us + Uncharted Series + Shadow of the Colossus + Outer Wilds + Final Fantasy VIII + Diablo II + Price of Persia Series + Star Wars: Dark Forces
If you don't like your spare change, but for some reason you want me to have it, here is where you can make donations to the stream (just click on the image). You honestly don't have to, but I'm not going to stop you either. :-)


**ARTWORK** Loyalty Badges by co-host **@CollyWoggles.** Emotes by **ccolors95** Profile Image (and some emotes) by **@MRDDragon**