Profile banner for gearhead72



{ Gamer who likes gaffes } { Loves Pokémon, Hollow Knight, and Hades } { he/him }

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Hi! I'm Gear Head. I play a wide variety of games that range from action platformers, first person shooters, RPGs, and the occasional puzzle game. I've streamed games like Dark Souls, Hollow Knight, Kingdom Hearts, Apex Legends, Super Metroid, and a variety of others. I also like to make art and paint miniatures so you may see me doing those on here from time to time.
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Keep it clean in the chat. I don't approve of any abusive, demeaning, or rude chat so be kind to others while enjoying the stream. I will not talk about my professional career on the stream. I like to keep my personal and work life separate so I will ignore any questions related to that. If you are repeatedly breaking these rules and do not stop after being warned, do not be surprised if you get muted or banned.
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Follow me to see when I go live! I'm not always streaming but you can turn on notifications to keep up to date with the streams.
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Emotes are made by the wonderful Thanrii. Go check them out on Insta!