Profile banner for geeq88



Just starting this streaming thing playing on Xbox usually Fortnite. Just a regular guy trying to make this a job eventually 😂😂. One can dream so follow me, tell your friends, be active in the chat I wanna hear from you and most importantly enjoy the stream and hope you like watching.

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Variety streamer, I play a little of everything. If you want to see me play something let me know, if I have it I'll do so. Make sure you follow me and turn on notifications so you can tune in when I'm live. I would love to have you be active in chat but if you would prefer to !lurk that would be great too! Thanks for coming by Join the GeeQ Squad community. # Let's do it.
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Tips are never expected or required but always greatly appreciated. They will be used to help enhance the stream. #LoveThisCommunity
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