Profile banner for genericskybox



Eric/Sky/Zorraiya | He/Him or She/Her | 25+ Just a little guy (gender agnostic) trying to make a comfy space on the internet to share the experience of some good games. Programming, game making, video editing, audio engineering, and digital art are all on the table too!

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#*Howdy there!~* My name is Eric and I play a variety of games here, ranging from modern to retro, RPG to FPS, AAA to indie, and everything in between! During the day, I'm a software developer for [redacted], but otherwise my passion is for video games and sharing that experience with others! I also dabble a bit in some other hobbies, such as making video games, editing videos, and writing stories! From time to time, I'll also stream these other hobbies as a sort of "self-improvement" stream! I'm super excited to be here and share in all of the fun! Hopefully my channel can provide a nice and little cozy place for you to settle down into and have some laughs along the way!
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#Who's that person in the background? - That's my partner Sam! She's lovely and sometimes you'll hear her doing her own thing in the background. Sometimes she even joins for streams! #No, I mean the *cat* that's in the background? - Oh, that's most likely Kitkat, my grumpy fur baby. He likes hopping into my lap and chirping for pets. But he's very bad at communicating when he wants the pets to stop so he'll meow when he's done. I also have another cat named Cinnamon, and she'll occasionally meow for attention too. #What's your streaming schedule? - I don't _really_ have a schedule nor do I plan on making a hard-set one, but usually it'll be in the evening on weekdays and mornings/afternoons on weekends. - Each stream should typically last for two hours, though it can be shorter or longer depending on my energy. #Trans Rights? - Forever and always. Trans rights are human rights.
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- Zero tolerance policy for any amount of intentional discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to: sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, and transphobia. You will be banned without appeal. - Be kind and respectful to everyone, including mods, other members of chat, and anyone I stream with. Insulting or harassing anyone will swiftly be met with a ban. - No advertising without permission. You must also provide context to any link posted in chat. If a link is posted without context or is otherwise deemed inappropriate, this will result in a ban. - Please refrain from excessive spam, overly sexual messages, self-deprecation, serious topics, personal information, or other unsavory messages. I will warn you *once*. - Back-seating is not tolerated unless I give specific, verbal permission - which can be rescinded at any point. This is especially critical for streams marked as "First Playthrough", "No Spoilers", etc. - Do not message me directly through Twitch, Discord, Twitter, BlueSky, or any other avenue if we are not **already** friends on those platforms. We are but passing strangers on the internet. - Please be kind to yourself and remember that these rules are specifically to ward off bad actors. Accidental rule violations are allowed - everyone is human and we all make mistakes. I trust most of you guys to be good people, so hopefully these rules won't ever be an issue. Thank you <3
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An immense thanks is due to my good friend Joseph and his amazing talent and kindness. Without him and his inspirations (plus his design advice and some pixel art), I wouldn't be pursuing streaming the way that I am. He's an amazing guy, and if somehow you haven't heard of him, please go check him out! Some of the pixel art (specifically the truly incredible alert gifs) were made by N1Studios! You can see their work over on their Twitter! Their pixel art is some of the best I've ever seen and I'm thankful to have commissioned them for their work. Also, this channel wouldn't have the engagement it does without the incredible help of my friend Olivia! She helped create the emotes and sub badges for the channel, so go check her out if you want more art like hers!
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You can find all of my social links in my bio, but I'll put 'em here too just in case. - [Main Youtube]( - [VOD Channel]( - [BlueSky]( - [Twitter]( I might add a professional website to the list eventually, or somewhere I post my projects, but this is all I've got for now. And again, please don't message me on these platforms unless we're **already** confirmed friends on those platforms.
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I'm currently busy making some fun chat commands for you guys to play around with! For now, just try "!hotdog"
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I like to keep a tally of all of the games I've beaten on stream. Below is the full list! - Dark Souls: Remastered w/ DLC - Sayonara Wild Hearts - Dead Space (2008) - Doki Doki Literature Club (no DLC) - No Straight Roads - Portal 2 (singleplayer campaign) - Castle in the Darkness - Devolverland Expo - Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion Even if I've beaten a game on stream, I might get the itch to stream it again. But for the most part, I want to keep playing new things.
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My only request is that you enjoy yourself wherever you are! And if that happens to be here on my stream, that's wonderful! I don't require any subs, donations, bits, etc. as I currently have a full-time job outside of streaming. However, if you're determined to send more support my way, I'm greatly appreciative of anything and everything! Just know that you absolutely **DO NOT** have to spend money on me. I might open a Ko-Fi link in the future so that the donation is more directed at myself rather than Twitch (as many people are understandably against giving Amazon *even more* money with their 50/50 sub split). But for now though, my only official channels of support are through Twitch's Affiliate Program.