
Gamecock fanatic, avid golfer, and dedicated gamer takes on various FPS's and MMOs. Plays Planetside 2, World of Tanks, Warframe, Minecraft, and others.

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Welcome to my stream! I'm GettinCocky and I, like most people, enjoy playing video games! I typically enjoy RPGs, Metroidvanias, and Soulslikes, [GenocideSquirrel](https://www.twitch.tv/genocidesquirrel) is the person who designed the character of the channel and also created a few overlays for me. If you're looking for a quality artist you should check him out! For Business Inquiries my email is: gettincocky13@gmail.com
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**1.** Don't be a dick **2.** Respect everyone in chat **3.** No links unless authorized by me/a mod **4.** Don't do anything that violates Twitch's [Terms of Service](https://www.twitch.tv/p/legal/terms-of-service/) and [Community Guidelines](https://www.twitch.tv/p/legal/community-guidelines/)
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Joining the Chicken Coop has several benefits, but as a fairly new affiliate channel some of those items are still being worked out! -Cool rooster related emotes -There will be sub only giveaways (Details to be ironed out) -Other ideas suggested by subs will be considered
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