Profile banner for gfc_



Ahoy! I'm captain of the S.S. MBD. Together with my crewmate Twin-Headed, we will sail to the Isle of RNG.


Panel Content
Hi, I am a speedrunner from SpeedRunsLive who currently speedruns Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories.

Donation Drive

Doing a donation drive to try and get a better graphics card, as my current GPU is limiting what I can do on stream now and is negatively impacting stream quality when I play a lot of games. Use the new link below to donate:

Super Mario Maker 2!

I will be playing viewer submitted levels! KEEP IN MIND there are SEPARATE QUEUES for both Twitch and YouTube (nothing I can do about it for now). I will swap between Twitch and YouTube submissions. Max Twitch Queue: 10 levels Max YouTube Queue: 20 levels !add levelcode - Replace levelcode with the code for your level, and this will add your level to the queue! !queue - Your current position in the queue. Please keep in mind that this is your position in the queue ON THE PLATFORM YOU TYPED IT ON (YouTube or Twitch). I cannot combine the queues unfortunately, but I will switch between them back-and-forth. !next5 - Displays the next 5 submissions in the queue for the current platform (Twitch or YouTube)

Bot commands!

There is a bot named FirstDuel in the chat. Here are some useful commands for him: **!hundo** - Gives the link to an FM 100% FAQ **!deck** - Gives some information on what I am looking for in a starting deck. **!firstduel** - Use only when I get something first duel. **!starchips** - Checks how many starchips you have. A starchip is a point system my bot does automatically. Basically, every 5 minutes you watch the stream for, you get 1 starchip. For more info, look at the rest of my bio. **!winner** - Randomly selects a user from chat. **!wr** - Displays the world record for forbidden memories. **!uptime** - Shows how long I've been streaming for, assuming no picnics. **!requestsong videoID** (can also do !songrequest or !sr) - Requests a song to be played on stream (when I have song requests on) **!skipsong** - Command to start a vote to skip the current song. **!prevsong** - Command to show last played song. **!nextsong** - Command to show next song to be played. **!songlist** - Gives a pastebin with the current list of songs about to be played. **!song** - Displays the current song being played.


Panel Content
**The top donator every month will receive a bonus 5,000 starchips!** I am currently trying to raise money to attend ESA Summer 2019, a speedrunning marathon in Sweden. Hopefully, I can get there for the first time, with your support! Please click on the bell to donate, or use the link below:

Stream Overlay Credits

I want to take this little area of my bio to shout out SelfInducedParanoia for creating my overlay on stream. He refused commission for it and has done amazing work regardless. He is a super cool dude, so give him some credit when you see him!

Starchip loyalty points!

You can earn starchips in my channel, which can be used to make me do various on-stream specials! Starchips are an in-chat currency. You get 1 starchip for every 5 minutes you are in my stream while it is online. To check how many starchips you have, use the command "!starchips". To check what the current ChipIn reward is, use the command "!goal". To contribute to the current ChipIn reward, use the command "!chipin x", where 'x' is the amount of starchips you'd like to contribute. The account the starchips are being sent to is GFC_Rewards, which is a dummy account that cannot accrue starchips. When you subscribe, you get 1,000 starchips! Every resub bags you another 250. First time followers get 50 as well! Donations will get you 100 starchips per dollar donated! I will occasionally have mini-games and betting running in-chat which allow you to bet/win starchips!

Contact me!

Check me out on these other services. I shittalk on Twitter and just basically post highlights from Twitch on YouTube. 1. **Twitter:** gfc_srl 2. **YouTube:** SkywardGamers


1. **This game doesn't follow YuGiOh TCG rules!** >This game was created before TCG and used the original ruleset, which is pretty much no rules. I can make any card I want by fusing any of two types together, with some exceptions. 2. **How do I request a song?** >You probably don't unless I have song requests on which I probably don't. RIP If I do: To request songs, type !requestsong YoutubeID (e.g. !requestsong JfvBbI8qyEQ). 3. **What are some of these abbreviations I'm seeing? ** >FM - Forbidden Memories >DE - Dark Energy >DT - Dragon Treasure >WSR - Widespread Ruin >BSD - B. Skull Dragon >MBD - Meteor B. Dragon >SK - Skull Knight >PUGM - Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth >GG - Gate Guardian >BEWD - Blue Eyes White Dragon >BEUD - Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon >Invig - Invigoration >MM - Megamorph >HPD - Harpies Pet Dragon >HFD - Harpies Feather Duster >ATH - Acid Trap Hole >BC - Bright Castle >WT - World Tournament >THTD - Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon **Are there any guides I can look at to start learning to speedrun Forbidden Memories as well?** >Yes! In fact, I just finished it in late July of 2015. Check it out:

Discord Server

Panel Content
I've been getting into the idea of being in a Discord server whenever I stream lately. So if you'd like to join me and talk about whatever, or even just listen in, feel free to join the server at this link (or click the image above): This link will never expire.

Official FM Discord

Interested in becoming a runner of the fever dream of a video game known as Forbidden Memories? Well you're in luck! Any time you hear me talking to a bunch of other people, I'm usually in a Discord call. The server that call is in is a Discord server for runners (or interested runners) of Forbidden Memories. You can join by using this link: **Once you join, please introduce yourself and request to be verified in the #welcome channel. You will not have access to anything else until you do so and a moderator verifies you.**

Subscriber Benefits!

Panel Content
You get those two emotes plus a sick looking Ed (from Ed, Edd n Eddy) emote and a really shitty Elf's Light emote. You also get no ads on stream, if you for whatever reason aren't using AdBlock and want to give me a few cents every time you watch. Now a new feature, you can also subscribe to me using the $9.99 and $24.99 options. Subscribing with either of these options will give you access to special (global) emotes. Currently, the emotes are not made yet, but they will be added soon (and will be quality as hell).

What does GFC stand for?

Whatever you want it to.

This isn't FM?!

Yes, it is.


1. ** Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories: ** 3:19:08 2. **Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories World Tournament: ** 29:57 3. **The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Any%:** 24:01 (before gohma skip/tower collapse skip was found) 4. **The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Child Dungeons:** 42:xx (using wrong route, will improve sometime) 5. **The World's Hardest Game:** 18 minutes 6. **Super Meat Boy Any% No WW:** 20 minutes, something-idk seconds 7. **Crash Bash Any%:** 3:29:43

FrankerFaceZ Emote Submissions

Is there a FrankerFaceZ emote you love using in another channel and would like to use in mine? No problem. Follow the link below to submit the link to the emote you'd like added to me. I will add any emote submitted to the channel.