1,1 tis. sledujících


History nerd, metalhead, spicy food lover, whisky enthusiast, and all-around okayish gamer. Come hang out for chill times, a friendly community, and a whole lot of this guy embarrassing himself!

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All donations go toward improving the stream. Never required or expected, but always deeply appreciated! (Donations not refundable)
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Gh0stpeppr streams are brewed in Canada with a diverse line of streaming flavours for anyone interested in strategy games, RPGs, builders & managers, Dungeons & Dragons, party games, or just generally chill times. May contain history, philosophy, sci-fi/fantasy, heavy metal music, film, and food. Definitely contains whisky. Best enjoyed with friends in a laid-back atmosphere.
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Visit the PepprPatch Gift Shop for some merch!
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* Product is to be generously applied with a positive attitude. * Do not pair product with racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other toxic substances. * For the best experience, kindly respect your fellow diners' boundaries. Not everyone may share your tastes.
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Join me on Dixper and Streamloots and interact with the stream in various ways!