Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho gigaidx

132 người theo dõi


Won't be streaming much!

Super Sporadic Streams - I just stream whenever I feel like it!

Some alert popups and backgrounds are from [VA-11 HALL-A: CYBERPUNK BARTENDING ACTION]( Latch animations done by the awesome [Pixipui](! Thank you screen art done also done by the lovely [StarPendant](!

Who are ya?

The name's gigaiDX (Giga or Gigai for short) - pleasure to meet you! Currently in the uni period of life, which is why these streams are going to be pretty sporadic. I hope to make the most of the time that I do stream and I hope you enjoy the streams too! At heart an online PC player with a like for most genres - specific favourites being rhythm, shooters and fighting games (despite how awful I am at all of 'em).

Who's the croc fella?

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
The lil croc fella you might see on stream or just on my profile picture is Latch from Lethal League in a custom palette! Originally starting out as a mini project of mine to add custom palettes to Lethal League for colours based on Marina and Pearl from Splatoon 2, it's sort of evolved to being a character I'm associated with. Huge thanks to [Pixipui]( for creating the "lil cutie" version of Latch and for also doing the animation - Please go check her out!

Osu! Profile (Not too active Osu!)

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