gillyngames 프로필 배너

팔로워 97명


Hey there! you've found my channel, welcome in. Please take your shoes off before entering, I've just vacuumed. Other than that, please make yourself at home. Variety streaming and chatting to make some friends. Pop into a stream and say Hi or just lurk about, everyone is welcome here. 💚


패널 콘텐츠
Why hello there, I am GillynGames (Gilly for short, pronounced Ghi-lee) I am a variety streamer from the U.K. but was born in South Africa and lived there for most of my childhood so you might hear little bits of the accent slip out every so often. I have been gaming for most of my life, usually playing single-player story games but never completing them and usually skipping through cut scenes. The curse has been broken thanks to live streaming! Streaming has allowed me to focus on 1 to 2 games at a time without losing enthusiasm, while also letting me enjoy the story of the game so much more. I am energetic and talkative, easily distracted by pretty colours and shiny objects, living that loot goblin lifestyle, always need deeper pockets! I have been an avid skateboarder for the past 15 years, although the injuries are harder to recover from as I get older. I used to do parkour and free-running and will still throw out a backflip to make sure I haven't lost it. Come drop in and chat sometime, I enjoy meeting new friends and generally having a fun time. I'm always up for talking about anything and everything.


패널 콘텐츠
- Please be kind to each other, the most simple thing a person can do for another is show some kindness. We don't discriminate here. - Please not soliciting, I have a very beautiful and talented artist who is creating and teaching me how to do all that fancy stuff. - Have fun, I mean you don't have to have fun but I would appreciate it.


패널 콘텐츠
Come and join the Discord community. Always open to suggestions on how to improve the discord and what you as the community want to see there.