Profile banner for girlshousegg



Girls' House Official Stream

Production Staff

Thank you to all of our amazing production staff - check them out on Twitter: Hosts: @Keglunneq, @icangopro Casters: @mattjstwigg, @mamiiofdragons, @GMTea_, Y2Jake Producers: @Cinzzya, @CeDeCe_ Replay Operators & Associate Producers: @Grissxm & @Santa_R6 Observers: @Benolott, @SerSappho, @CylMaddhatta Director: @skysnotmyname
Panel Content
**Girls' House is a community that embraces fellow women gamers. This community is about meeting others with similar interests, gaming together while having the potential of winning prizes.** **This is our official stream where we broadcast some of our community and official events happening within Girls' House.** **If you are interested in checking us out or would like more information on future events, be sure to follow our Twitter. We are also inviting and encouraging women from any gaming backgrounds to join our Discord server.** **Keep an eye on our recommended stream channels of our community members.**
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**Support is always appreciated, but it is not necessary. If you choose to donate to our community, the funds raised via donations/subs will go towards running future events and prize pools.**
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*Stay tuned! Don't miss out on the announcements on our Twitter page.* Events commands: **!gn** - What are Girls' Nights? **!standings** - Girls' Nights' current standings, rounds, and matches **!fdi** - What is Female Diabotical Invitational? **!bracket** - Female Diabotical Invitational bracket
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