Profile banner for glitchedcitzn



Welcome to my stream where I play a variety of console and PC games. Come hang out and chill in a Christian friendly environment.

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Donations are never required. If you feel so inclined donating will go towards stream hardware or games. Thanks for the support if you decide to!
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Come hang out and get the most engagement from me here. I typically share only video game related content and screenshots from games that I either stream or not streaming at the time. Other stuff I am involved with here is game tech from the new retro tech and the normal modern game technology as well.
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Hey I am Glitched Citzn and welcome to the stream. I am a Christian variety gamer and also a growing game collector from different consoles or even retro PC games. This is a place to hangout or lurk so I don't focus on trying to grow but for a place to make friends and be a supportive friend to anyone needing a friend.