Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho goodbadflicks

4,7 N người theo dõi


I'm Cecil, a full time YouTuber who streams here on the side. I love weird, obscure or "bad" games. Also lots of horror. I stream both console & PC games as well as what some people might call "garbage".

Chat Rules

#1 - Don't be a Negative Nancy. I'm a pretty positive guy, and there is a lot to like in this world. Let's talk about that. #2 - No Politics. There's a reason I avoid social media. #3 - Regulars can post links. If you are here often enough that I know your name, PM me and I will add you to Nightbot. #4 - Movie Questions/Recommendations are always welcome. My day job is really the Youtube channel, so if you have a movie related question, its a-ok! #5 - Backseat gaming is ok, but please ask first.
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Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Friday - Movie/TV Night - 8:30 PM EST Sunday - 10 AM EST - Games
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