Záhlaví kanálu goofychocobo

1,3 tis. sledujících


I am an IT security director and live in Kentucky. My favorite coding languages are python and php. Favorite games are FF9, Dark Souls series, all 2d/3d mario games, and probably Nier Automata. I raise sheep and chickens (chocobos), lastly I'm 37 and married. there, I doxed myself Kappa


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About Me

goofy is an IT security geek full-time, lives in Kentucky, and also enjoys helping with music and ministry opportunities with his church part-time. Favorite games (subject to change) are Skyrim, Dark Souls, ff7 & ff9, and all mario games. goofy enjoys raising chickens, which really are chocobos in his eyes :) goofy is 37 years old for those wondering

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