158 seguidores


Streaming mostly Super Famicom games, but also other nonsense.

Conteúdo do Painel
Conteúdo do Painel

Who are you, and what do you play here?

I'm GreatWightHope, I've been playing video games for far too long, and I will continue to do so! Generally I will be playing Super Famicom games, games that would have come out for the Super Nintendo had they left Japan, but I'm open to giving any nonsense a try. I've been playing some Famicom lately though, and it's been a blast, so there's plenty of things out there to check out. What could possibly go wrong?

When do you stream?

Right now I'm kinda streaming when I feel like it, usually in the late afternoon-early evenings. I might also do streams outside those times and days because I suddenly felt the urge to stream. You can make sure to get an alert to when I'm streaming by [joining my Discord](https://discord.gg/xUvjqUa) or [following me on Twitter](https://twitter.com/GreatWightHope). If you want to see a Famicom/Super Famicom game played, either because you played it and liked it, or because the name sounds completely bonkers and you want to see me explore what in the world it is, be sure to speak up, otherwise I'll have to decide and that is begging for disaster. Or Puyo Puyo. Possibly both.

I don't feel like chatting and all I want to do is lurk.

That's perfectly fine, I hope you have a good time!