Profile banner for greymantle420



Howdy o/

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**Donations using stream labs. Heads up! Under Your effect if you use no effect on donation there is no charge**
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**Keep it classy and respect others. I would like this community to be family friendly. Any time after 10:00pm PST were not so strict on language.**
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**I have been gaming all my life. I started with board games, then along came pong, and the rest is history. Furthermore, I moved on to Atari 2600, Atari 800, consoles, then the PC. To this day, I love gaming, and plan to game until I'm six feet under. :P** **I started on Twitch in 2016 looking for like-minded people to socialize with. I have a lot of time on my hands because I take care of my best friend, Ann, who has Alzheimer's.** **One day I decided to give streaming a try to see if I could create my own community. I hope to find like-minded people to grow a social environment that we all can enjoy.**
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With Ann's Alzheimer's getting much worse my schedule is becoming more erratic. Sorry