Profile banner for greysononlyknows



Hey everyone, I'm GreysonOnlyKnows and I'm here to bring my love of video games to a bigger platform. Come catch all the action and feel free to join in along the way! Thanks.

Current Stream Schedule

**Fridays at 2PM CEST/8AM EST**

About Me

Welcome to the channel, I'm GreysonOnlyKnows! This channel is mostly about playing games from my childhood. I'm talking Runescape, PS1, Sega Genesis, and Gameboy games. I hope you enjoy! Thanks. :)

Special Streams

**225 Followers** - Karaoke Stream **250 Followers** - ??

Stream Commands

**Stick around the channel long enough and get your very own chat command! :D** !cheerleader !bakatako !arceus !rage !swordfight