
Streaming with 11 viewers

GriffingAndChill streams Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, Just Chatting and Hitman.

Say Hi

My name is Chris. I like to hang out and play games. Sometimes I work. Work consists of meetings in which I am muted and they go way over the time budget.

A Bit of History

I spent the majority of my 20's being a snowboard bum. I was good enough to get free gear (and energy drinks for a time), but nobody ever gave me a paycheck for it. I've been a big fan of games starting with an NES in the 90's. If I had to say my favorite game of all time, it would probably be Shadowrun for the SNES.


Panel Content
Most of the music I will be playing is music I have purchased from Bandcamp.

My Other Stream

I'm a web developer who streams programming related things under the handle cmgriffing. On my stream, I build web apps and apis from start to "finish" and along the way try to answer any questions viewers might have. If that kind of thing sounds interesting, I would be delighted to see you over there as well.