Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho groundedangel_

360 người theo dõi


the 3 things Im passionate about are my dog, my belief in love should grow and be tended to and gaming. but lets be honest you didnt come for my amazing skills in the game you came for my personality ✨️

Reading List

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Now I don't have a Wishlist for you guys to buy me things, I do however have this amazon program that allows you to see all the Romance and Spicy books you would like to see from the general section. Just click the Wishlist image and see for yourself
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I am Moon. I honestly try my best and have been since 1997. I do mainly video game streams but we also have interesting conversations during streams. (usually between me myself and I), so come by before someone calls blue lights on me 💕

But beware..

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The streams mature, but there will still be rules. For one don't be an a**, It's not fun for anyone, and I don't like to lose my temper. Two, No racial, sexist, or discriminating comments, basically don't be a bigot. Three, If you're kind to me, I'll be kind to you. Four, don't abuse the fact that I allow links, cause I will remove it gladly Five, if you're underage go away.
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For legal purposes, it is required that anyone who has tipped is notified that you are tipping at your own expense and there will be no refunds once the transaction has gone through.

Social Medias

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A super simple Linktree to all of my socials