Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho guernsey_dave

1,4 N người theo dõi


Hello, welcome to my Channel. I'm a small full time variety game streamer that is looking to grow. We are all here to have fun, engage in conversation and have a laugh with our followers, friends and community. Feeling free to join us in chat.

Farming Simulator 19 (PC-DOWNLOAD)

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If you would like to purchase this game for another platform or looking for a DLC, let me know. Using this link helps support the channel and hopefully get better deals for all of you.


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You can support me in many ways Follow, Share, Subscribe or if you are feeling really kind a donation is always a great way to help keep the channel going.

Join us on StreamLabs

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The best place to get everything you need to make your stream look professional and EPIC! All with your own personal touche and feel! Help Support me and charity through Streamlabs.

Join us in Discord

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Come join the Guernsey Family, Friends, Supporters and Masters of Guernsey