Profiilibanneri – gungasaur314

648 seuraajaa


I'm the biggest noob ever.

Paneelin sisältö
Hey thwere! Mwy nwame's Cassandwa and I'm a welatively new stweamer. I'm pwetty tewwibad at gwames, but i enjwoy pwaying thwem anyway. I mwostly pway Dwestiny, bwut I'm compwetey opwen to oter gwame suggwestions you guise might hwave! I hwope you enjwoy your stway! owo
Paneelin sisältö
If you'we evew intewested in what I do aside fwom stweaming, you couwd totawwy catch me on Twittew cwying about my wife. [Cwick hewe and dwop a fowwow if you want >w<](
Paneelin sisältö
+ **What is that thing scweaming in the backgwound?** It's pwobabwy my wittwe bwothew. He gets...a bit hype, to say the weast. If it's nyot him, it's pwobabwy the scweaming of the souws I consume thwoughout the day. + **Facecam?** Nyo, sowwy. I just wouwdn't be abwe to handwe seeing my weactions to getting domed. The faces I make awe outwageouswy gwoss too. I'm doing you guys a favow.
Paneelin sisältö
+ **Nyo twowwing; onwy my mods can do that.**
Paneelin sisältö
I do nyot have a set scheduwe cuwwentwy, but I do twy to stweam as often as my potato intewnyet awwows me. To knyow when I stweam, you shouwd pwobabwy fowwow me on Twittew. I nyowmawwy tweet it out thewe, unwess I fowget.
Paneelin sisältö
I did the thing, but you don't have to do the thing. I wuv youw faces wegawdwess. <3