Profile banner for guruofmattitude



A variety streamer trying to make the slightest wave in the largest ocean


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Back in 2019, I got this mad idea to start making YouTube content. My goal was to just do things that made me happy and mainly to play Pokemon games with extra challenges. Fast forward two years and here I am. I often stream with my partner, Alex,. and I stream whatever I fancy at the time. Over the last few years, this has been an escape for me but I grew ashamed of the little effort I was putting into my streams and I've finally gone all out to bring decent content to the world. Please give me a follow. I'll try to make it worth your time.

Help Me To Improve

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So, I hate asked for things like this, but I'm currently looking to start improving my stuff and provide higher quality content to you guys. All I'm wanting to do at the minute, is improve my computer. Any donations towards this on my PayPal would be so appreciated you have no idea. I honestly want to be the best streamer I can be for you guys. If you do choose to donate, please only donate what you can afford. Thank you so much in advance.